Björn Dransfeld | Founding Partner | the greenwerk. | climate advisory network
Björn is Founding Partner at the greenwerk. the greenwerk. is an advisory network for sustainable energy and climate policy. the greenwerk. offers a wide range of advisory services to their clients in both developing and developed countries. Their work focuses on instruments and activities for promoting greenhouse gas mitigation and renewable energy.
He is working to foster a global dialogue on sustainable energy for all. He studied Political Science and Economics at the University of Hamburg, focusing on environmental, energy and climate policy as well as public services. Moreover, Björn believes that knowledge transfer is key for a global green revolution, and thus is eagerly contributing to an international dialogue on climate and energy policy, most recently through building up delegation trips services. His topis are: perspectives climate change, knowledge transfer, GIZ, Energy Policy Germany, Renewable Energy Germany, Delegationsreise

Björn Dransfeld is an expert on UNFCCC climate policy with a focus on mitigation and finance, and with over fifteen years of experience in development cooperation. He studied Political Science and Economics at the University of Hamburg, focusing on environmental, climate and energy policy as well as public services. In 2014, he co-founded the greenwerk, where his focus is on analysing the international climate policy landscape.
In recent years, he is supporting stakeholders in developing countries in understanding and accessing international climate finance instruments. For over a decade he has been leading consultancy projects for donors and international organizations in the area of climate policy and finance. As advisor, he reflects insights on various climate finance related aspects such as the GCF and the UNFCCC negotiations on finance to political decision makers and country focal points. As technical expert, he puts his knowledge to work by developing concept notes and funding proposals for inter alia the GCF or the GEF. As researcher, he is assessing local investment conditions and barriers, the global climate finance architecture as well as latest developments of multilateral climate policy, such as the state of NDC implementation in various countries. Björn is regularly publishing on the state and needs of climate finance in the global south in articles, policy briefs and reports. He is also evaluating development cooperation projects as per the OECD DAC criteria. Björn believes that knowledge transfer is key for a global green revolution, and thus is eagerly contributing to an international dialogue on climate policy and finance. To foster stakeholder engagement, he frequently serves as trainer and speaker on climate finance in trainings and workshops in developing countries, as well as in virtual classrooms and webinars.
From 2007 to 2014, Björn worked for the Perspectives GmbH, a climate policy think-tank in Hamburg, Germany, with a focus on climate policy and carbon pricing. Hereby, he gained special expertise on economic instruments under the UNFCCC regime and dealt with enhancing co-benefits of Post-2020 mitigation instruments. In 2006, Björn worked for Suzlon Energy, an Indian CDM project developer in Delhi / India.
Björn is board member of the NGO ClimateNet e.V., is heading its UNFCCC delegation and enjoys organising its workshops at UNFCCC meetings.